If you’ve ever gone into a nice restaurant, you’ll know what I’m talking about. If you’ve ever gone into a hole in the wall restaurant, you’ll know what I’m talking about. That’s right, ambiance. The decor. The music. The look and feel of the place. And if you’ve ever paid for a meal at a nice restaurant, you’ll know they charge more for that ambiance. 

It’s the same with video. If the food is the message you craft, the ambiance is the production value (which also sends a message). Some videos have great messages, but bad production value. Others have great production value, but poorly crafted messages. Obviously, the best videos (and restaurants) pay attention to both. 

But great production value takes a lot of time and money, two things you have in short supply. So I’ll be honest. I do skimp a little on production value. But not too much. So you know that when I do take some time to get the lighting right or to get a good angle, you know that it’s important. But at the end of the day, the message is what sells, so I focus on that as well. That means your video will communicate your unique value proposition as well as your professional credibility through attention to production value.
